Corporate Profile

The Annuaire MNB Directory Inc. company exists since June 2003. It is a local company which provides employment for seven persons. We now have two business offices in the region, thus one located in Beresford and another one in Pointe-�-la-Croix, Qu�bec.

Reasons to use MNB Directory

Here are three excellent reasons to use MNB Directory:

  • It is important to mention that MNB Directory contains more than 600 additional entries in the white pages than the other directory. We include, among various entries, several Rogers and Telus clients, thus, by the same, the listing of cellular telephone numbers.
  • At any time, when you have corrections or changes to request in our white pages, such as your address and telephone number, or to add another name, you only have to contact us by email at [email protected] by sending the related changes and we will be happy to make the necessary changes without any cost.
  • MNB Directory offers an outstanding customer service by listening to its clients and any given suggestion they might have to improve our product. Thus, you may send us your suggestions and comments at [email protected] and we will be sure to process them with great attention.


MNB Directory includes the following content:

  • Complete list of residential and commercial establishments in the Chaleur, P�ninsule Acadienne, Restigouche, and St Quentin regions as well as a portion of Qu�bec, including Matap�dia, Pointe � la Croix, Carleton, Maria and surrounding areas.
  • Regional postal codes
  • Public services
  • Government services (Federal, Provincial)
  • Calendar
  • Metric conversion
  • Sports and recreational


Here is an overview of the main region coverage both of our directories are supporting:

Important message to companies

MNB Directory would like to thank all companies who supported us since several years. With your support, we were able to provide a great product which responds to our customer's needs. To constantly improve our customer service, MNB Directory offers surveys on a regular basis since the last five years. MNB Directory would like to thank everyone who took the time to participate in those surveys which have greatly help us in the delivery and support of a great product.

On April 2011, we were at Campbellton at the Civic Center. We are very happy to announce that 404 persons participated in our survey. Here are the results for that survey in regards to which directory was in used for the Restigouche, St Quentin and Carleton regions:

No Directory Users Percentage
1. MNB Directory 289 72%
2. Bell Aliant 14 3%
3. MNB Directory & Bell Aliant 101 25%
  Total 404  

For the Bathurst region, we were at the K.C. Irving Center from May 13 to 15, 2011. Once again, we have obtained great success in the participation of our survey. We have obtained survey results from 400 persons. Thus, here are the results on the directory used for the Chaleur region:

No Directory Users Percentage
1. MNB Directory 280 70%
2. Bell Aliant 16 4%
3. MNB Directory & Bell Aliant 104 26%
  Total 400  

Notice to companies with interesting in advertising in MNB Directory

For the Restigouche region, including St Quentin, Matap�dia and Carleton, we distribute more than 25000 copies. For the Chaleur region, the distribution is more than 24000 copies. The directories are distributed in all residences, commercial establishments as well as in all hotel rooms for the regions mentioned above.

We consider our offer to be an excellent one as for only $85.00 dollars a year, it is then possible to have your listing into our directory.

You can contact us by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 506-545-8524 for the Chaleur region and at 506-759-2120 for the Restigouche region.

For the cover page of the Chaleur directory, Janine Boudreau is the paint artist with her students, which are all part of the Chaleur region.